domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011


Algumas fotos que antecedem a viagem...

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Waterloo 27-dez-2010

Cedar Falls 28-dez-2010
Cedar Falls 28-dez-2010

2 comentários:

  1. Que tal comprar mais um casaquinho antes de ir?! Acho que ainda dá tempo da mãe fazer um cachecol..hehe

  2. Wow Vini, now international!!!! Pretty cool the pics of yours. I like the white blanket covering the scenary. 'Tis my 2nd favourite season; the 1st one is Autumn. I'm happy you've had this opportunity. You deserve it! So, ready to teach those american guys how to build a canoe? I was thinking what I'd recommend you to eat there (sth typical & delicious), but nothing occurs to me...
    By 4 now.
